REM Behavior Disorder
Course Id |
241209 |
Course Name |
REM Behavior Disorder |
Course Catagory |
Sleep |
Course Price |
25.11 |
Course CEU |
2 |
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
- Define what is meant by “REM Behavior Disorder” (RBD) and discuss the causes.
- Identify and discuss the potential consequences of having RBD.
- Explain how RBD is diagnosed.
- Identify and explain the treatments available for RBD.
Course Information
For most people, dreams are purely a “mental” activity: they occur in the mind while the body is at rest. But people who suffer from REM behavior disorder (RBD) act out their dreams. They physically move limbs or even get up and engage in activities associated with waking. Some talk, shout, scream, hit, punch, or fly out of bed while sleeping! RBD is usually noticed when it causes danger to the sleeping person, their bed partner, or others they encounter. Sometimes ill effects such as injury to self or bed partner sustained while asleep trigger a diagnosis of RBD. The good news is that RBD can usually be treated successfully.