Arterial Blood Gasses Part I: Blood Gas Basics and the Respiratory System (ABG)
Course Id | 990711A |
Course Name | Arterial Blood Gasses Part I: Blood Gas Basics and the Respiratory System (ABG) |
Course Catagory | Respiratory Care |
Course Price | 33.54 |
Course CEU | 3 |
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the basic elements of blood gases, how they are analyzed, and how that information is used in healthcare
- Identify how blood gases fit into the overall respiratory system
- Discuss blood gas analyzers and explain how they work
- List and discuss the blood gas values that are considered “normal” and “abnormal”
Course Information
In this course we will review Blood Gas Basics, all the aspects of gas exchange and Acid-Base Balance, including O2 transport, ventilation, control of respiration, and a generalized summary – animals utilize O2 and produce CO2 + heat = occurs in the mitochondria – for cellular respiration to occur, must be a steady supply of O2 and CO2 must be steadily removed. There will be some overlap since the topics are all intertwined.Close relationship between interdependence of plants and animals e.g. plants produce O2 as a result of photosynthesis (however, can only occur during daylight) and the interconnectedness between the physical, chemical and biological aspects to life (e.g. O2 level in water, ice and atmosphere – “circle of life”
Note: balance of atmospheric gases, the needs of both animal and plants is in some way delicate and can be disturbed/disrupted via man’s activities i.e. think about the environmental contaminants assignment. However, first we should review some basics of Respiration: